10 Free Things to Do with Your Kids

As summer quickly approaches, there is a pressing need to come up with things to do to keep the little ones occupied. There are the easy fixes, like movies, video games, TV, and summer camps. But what can create lasting memories, make the summer enjoyable and...

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The Recipe for a Return to Happy Children

I recently listened to a segment on a popular Talk Radio Program discussing the predicament children are facing as a result of the ever-increasing political correctness that we have embraced (or begrudgingly accepted, in some cases) as a society. In an effort to...

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My Thoughts on Childhood Diagnoses

Children seem to have acquired laundry lists of labels, names and diagnoses as the Mental Health Community has infused itself into mainstream in the last few decades. On one hand, this means more effective awareness, management and problem solving at earlier times in...

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Behavior issues due to a separation

I recently received a question from a grandmother with her concerns regarding her grandson’s behavior since his parents separated. There were several issues she was facing so, I would like to address some of those issues and hopefully it will be helpful to all of you....

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Kids and Grief – How to Help

One of the hardest things, in my opinion, is to help a child process a death. On one hand, you want to protect them from the details, but on the other, they need to be told something that can make sense to them. The grieving process is difficult for anyone, but...

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Understanding Anger in Kids

I am currently reading a book on Leadership by Laurie Beth Jones, and she gives very helpful examples to illustrate how Leadership is discovered, practiced and developed. In one of the chapters, she discusses the importance of expressing yourself and the results of...

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Real Life Parenting Faux Pas Moments

My husband and I have been out and about over the last few days, and I have been up to my usual observations and analyses about parents and their interactions with their children. Unfortunately, there are many more instances that I feel are negative as compared to the...

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Five Love Languages of Kids

Do you know how your kids receive love from you? Do you know the best way to show your kids that you love them? Do you know that each of your children will likely need to be shown and give love differently? The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross...

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Handling Grandparents’ Visits

One of the common questions I get from parents is how to address all of the issues surrounding visits from grandparents and the inevitable complexities that arise. Grandparents treat kids very differently than we do as parents and therein lie the potential problems....

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Tips to Keeping Kids Under Control in Adult Venues

In light of the recent art mishap at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NY, wherein a Picasso painting was ripped and devalued, I realized it can be quite challenging to bring children to places that are not kid-friendly. My initial thought was that an unruly child was...

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Making the Most of Trips Out with Kids

As a new mom, I find myself observing other parents with children even more than usual. In the past, I seemed to focus on the kids. However, lately, I am watching parents and how they interact with and respond to their little ones. So, as I venture out with my son, I...

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